
Arduino based health monitoring equipment for early detection of respiratory issues, including COVID-19.


COVID-19,respiratory diseases, spirometry test, oxygen levels,spirometer, Forced vital capacity (FVC), check restricted breathing.


  • Node MCU (ESP 8266): Microcontroller for data processing.
  • LM393 Speed Measuring Sensor: Detects slotted disk rotations.
  • Arduino-Compatible Components: Manage data acquisition and processing.
  • Assembly: Integrate LM393 sensor with the slotted disk, ensuring precise alignment.


  1. Initialize Node MCU: Set up for data acquisition.
  2. Establish LM393 Communication: Connect with the speed measuring sensor.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Create a loop to monitor sensor output.
  4. Event Recording: Record events on detecting changes in sensor output (hole detection).
  5. Calculate RPM: Measure time between consecutive hole detections for rpm.
  6. Transmit Data: Send rpm data to a computer or display unit.
  7. Real-time Monitoring: Repeat the process for continuous spirometry readings.
Learn more about the project by watching my assembling video. It provides a time lapse of the development process and calculating rotations per minute (rpm) for lung capacity.