IoT SentryRover

STM-32 based IOT Sentry Rover, integrates sensor fusion and robust communication protocol for wide-range controllability.

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Sensor Fusion,Computer Vision, OpenCV, STM-32 Microcontroller, NodeMCU, Network Communication , Embedded Systems.

IOT Surveillance Robot is a sentry rover designed for wide-range accessibility. It operates on the NodeMCU protocol, enabling seamless communication and control.

The Surveillance Robot can be controlled remotely through a user-friendly web application hosted at The web interface provides intuitive controls for real-time interaction with the robot.


1. Surveillance Robot:

  • The surveillance robot is designed for unmanned spaces. It has no range constraints and operates on battery power and internet connectivity.
  • Team can operate rover using only four keys (A, W, S, D) from anywhere around the globe using a user-friendly web application interface.
  • NodeMCU Server facilitates in real time communication between the web application and the sensors.

2. Data Processing:

  • The NodeMCU reads data from various sensors, including temperature & humidity sensors, Camera Module, GPS Module.
  • The NodeMCU connects to the predefined WiFi network and posts the json data on NodeMCU server.
  • The Web Application fetches the sensor data from the NodeMCU in real time.
  • The Web Application read the movement of operation of the rover and sends the data to the NodeMCU server.
  • The NodeMCU reads incoming data and translates it into directional commands to the STM32 microcontroller.
  • The STM32 interacts with motor driver, adjusting the robot’s movements based on the interpreted commands.

2. Real-time Tracking:

  • The surveillance robot features a SIM28ML GPS module that continuously fetches real-time location data.
  • The accuracy of location mapping is equivalent to the highest resolution available on Google Maps.
  • The robot publishes its location data onto a dedicated website for remote monitoring.
  • The web application connects to the live video streaming server using the ESP32 camera module attactched at the fore front of rover.
  • ESP32 Cam Module featues Object Detection & Identification with OpenCV. Captured data, including images, can be stored in a database for future reference.

4. Sensor Data Transmission:

  • The STM32 collects real-time data from temperature and humidity sensors, transmitting this information to the website.
  • A safety feature is integrated into the robot, utilizing a proximity sensor at the front.
  • In the presence of an unseen barrier, the robot automatically halts its movement, providing a safety mechanism.
  • The operator can then redirect the robot in an alternative direction, ensuring safe and obstacle-free operation.