EMG Signal Analsis

Analzying Zygomaticus Muscle Signal in MATLAB using Digital Signal Processing techniques.

GitHub Repository


EMG Signal Analysis,Muscle Activation Signal,Anomaly Detection Raw Signal Processing, Time Domain Analysis,Filtering, Zero Padding, Windowing.


  1. Raw Signal Analysis
    • Removal of power line interference using a notch filter.
    • Filtering out noise using a 4th order Butterworth Bandpass filter.
    • Full-wave rectification to zero-mean power.
  2. Time Domain Analysis
    • Calculation of Mean Absolute Value (MAV) and Root Mean Square (RMS).
  3. Frequency Domain Analysis
    • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) to analyze frequency components.
    • Application of bandpass filters for specific frequency ranges.
    • Zero-padding to enhance frequency resolution.
    • Windowing to mitigate spectral leakage effects.
  4. Pattern Recognition
    • Recognition of sustained smiling patterns.
Learn more about the project by watching our analysis video. It provides a detailed explaination of the data aquisition and pre-processing of the raw signal captured.